How To

How To Create an Account

Note , this operation is not supported anymore. If you’re uncertain about the account, please consult with your teammates. If this is a completely new project, feel free to submit a request to create a new account in support channel.

To create a new account, simply do the following:

$ eai account new acme.awesome_project

Note that once created, you can also create child accounts:

$ eai account new acme.awesome_project.production

To list the child accounts:

$ eai account ls acme.awesome_project
id                                   name       organization parent
00d0c0c0-0b00-0fae-0000-d00beabf000a production acme         acme.awesome_project

How To Setup Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

  1. Install Authenticator App


    If you have already installed Authenticator app from Google, you can skip this step.

    If not, download this app from Google Play Store for Android or App Store for Apple iOS devices.

  2. Existing User / New User

    If you are an existing user and if you are logged in through Web, logout ( or click your initials on the top right and click logout). Close the browser.

    If you have logged in through CLI, close the terminal window. Login through web again. You will see the MFA Prompt like the screenshot below.

    If you are a new user, after you complete your email verification, you will see the MFA prompt like the screenshot below.

  3. Copy and Store the Secret Key


    Do NOT scan the QR code or enter the key now. First, copy the secret key and store it in a safe and secure place. If you lose your device or replace your device with a new one or delete the Authenticator app, you can use this key to recover your account without any issues. Otherwise, you must set up a new user again.

  4. Scan the QR Code / Enter Secret Key After storing the secret key, you can scan the QR code or enter the secret key in your authenticator app.

  5. Enter the OTP Code Now, your authenticator app will generate a six-digit OTP code under “…”. Enter that code in the MFA Prompt screen. You can also enter a friendly name, say “AI Toolkit”. This is optional.

  6. MFA Setup is complete.

Using MFA for login

After the one-time MFA setup is done, every time you login to AI Toolkit on Web, you will be prompted to enter the OTP code like the screenshot below, after the credentials are entered.

Open the Authenticator app on your device, note the code for AI Toolkit, enter that code and click ‘Sign in’.

For using CLI, follow the same process as you are doing currently: It will provide an URL. Copy and paste the URL in a browser. The login web page will be displayed. Enter your credentials, and then the OTP code.


How To Delete Directories in a Data?

Although toolkit does not let you delete data objects ( see Can I delete an account, a data or a job?), you can delete its contents.

You can clear the contents of a data object using the cli, as shown below:

# List the contents
eai data content ls snow.some_account.some_data
    name                                           status
    .DS_Store                                      new
    AAA                                            new
    AAA/Accelerometer Data 2019-06-28 14-00-01.txt new
    AAA/Accelerometer Data 2019-06-28 14-37-42.txt new
    BBB                                            new
    BBB/.DS_Store                                  new
    BBB/BBB-1                                      new
    BBB/BBB-1/.DS_Store                            new

# You can selectively delete a directory inside it
eai data content rm snow.some_account.some_data AAA

# You can see directory AAA is now deleted
eai data content ls snow.some_account.some_data
    name                     status
    .DS_Store                new
    BBB                      new
    BBB/.DS_Store            new

# You can also clear out its contents entirely
eai data content rm snow.some_account.some_data .

# If you try to list the contents now, the data object will be empty
eai data content ls snow.some_account.some_data

Or you can mount the data object in a job, and run code inside the job to delete the contents of that data object, as shown below:

# Mount the data while submitting the job
eai job submit --data dataID:/data -- sleep 720

# Now you can execute commands to delete the contents of the data object from inside the job
# Here <expr_id> can be `*` or `some_folder` or `some_folder/inner_folder` or `some_folder/some_file` etc.
eai job exec jobID -- bash -c 'rm -rf /data/<exp_id>'

How to Develop in a running job

or how to use VSCode to edit code efficiently in the environment of a running job and benefit from:

  • low file edition latency

  • full functionality of VSCode’s built-in Git extension

  • full functionality of other VSCode extensions _eg._ Python (linting, autocompletion, etc.)

For this purpose, we suggest to connect your local VSCode to a running job via SSH, using the Remote - SSH extension.

Create your home directory

Create your home directory as a blob in eai data (if not done already):

eai data new $HOME_DATA_NAME

Specify your job

We suggest to serve a Jupyter Notebook from an interactive job. While it is running, we can connect to it with VSCode.

Image build and push

Create your Dockerfile:

# you may use another image
FROM jupyter/base-notebook:python-3.7.6

# to put at the end, to enable ssh and port forwarding
USER root
RUN apt update && \
    apt install -y \
        ca-certificates supervisor openssh-server bash ssh \
        curl wget vim procps htop locales nano man net-tools iputils-ping && \
    sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen && \
    locale-gen && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash toolkit && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 toolkit && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique console && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 console && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique _toolchain && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 _toolchain && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique coder && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 coder && \
    chown -R toolkit:toolkit /run /etc/shadow /etc/profile && \
    apt autoremove --purge && apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && \
    echo ssh >> /etc/securetty && \
    rm -f /etc/legal /etc/motd
COPY --chown=13011:13011 /tk /tk
RUN chmod 0600 /tk/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
ENTRYPOINT ["/tk/bin/"]

Build and push it

$ export
$ docker build -t $IMAGE .
$ docker push $IMAGE

Job configuration file

Edit a job configuration file, _eg._ job.yml:


    - acme.joe.home:/home/toolkit

interactive: true

- /tk/bin/
- /bin/bash
- -c
- jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8080 --no-browser --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.custom_display_url=https://${EAI_JOB_ID} --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*'
  • Note: Files added Dockerfile in /home/toolkit will be overwrite by data from acme.joe.home*

Submit job

$ eai job submit -f job.yml


This feature is not secured if used on shared computer such as a server with multiple ssh user logged in. Everybody on the machine can access the job without authentication once you launch the eai job port-forward command.

Forward port

$ eai job port-forward --last 2222

From here you can ssh as user toolkit (default on all jobs) to your running job via a tunnel on localhost (you do not need to use flag -A to forward your Github SSH credentials, eai job port-forward does it for you already):

$ ssh -p 2222 toolkit@localhost

Connect VSCode

On your local machine, edit ~/.ssh/config and append:

Host localhost
    ForwardAgent yes
    Port 2222
    User toolkit

In VSCode, Command Palette <Shift+{Ctrl,Cmd}+P> -> “Remote-SSH: Connect to Host” -> “localhost”.

From here, you can

  • git clone your project repo

  • Install VSCode extensions on the host (note these extensions are installed in your /home/toolkit -> acme.joe.home, so you do not have to reinstall them at every new job you connect to)

  • Use VSCode Git Extension

How to run a python server in toolkit

  1. Use a Python framework like FastAPI, Django or Flask to write a small API that does what you want

  2. Build a Docker image that expects to have the model data mounted and that runs the API. Example docker image can be found here

  3. Submit a Toolkit job in the account, with the image and the model data mounted. If you want a long running server (more than 48hrs), use restartable with high bid.

  4. Create a new role, policy and a key (token)

    # create a new role
    $ eai role new account_fullname.job_access
    # attach a policy which gives access to the python server
    $ eai role policy new account_fullname.job_access "job:get@"$(eai job get --field urn JOB_ID)
    # create a long lived token to access the python server
    $ eai role key new account_fullname.job_access
  5. Use the token to call the API from anywhere (you can find the job’s accessUrl with the eai job info command)

How To Manage Access

The EAI toolkit provides an API to manage access to resources. In addition to their ID, each resource is assigned an explicit URN that indicates its type and ownership. For example, a user is a kind of resource owned by an organization. Assuming you are already logged in, you can get the URN of your user with this:

$ eai user get --field urn


  • 491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2 is the organization and

  • 3c0e93a5-4174-4487-bbaa-59138ba24833 is the user.

URNs are useful to express access rules. An access rule simply defines actions allowed on a URN expression. Using the wildcard * character, a rule can refers to a set of resources. For example:

  • 491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2 refers to the organization

  • 491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:* refers to all resources of the organization

  • 491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:user:* refers to all users of the organization

Each client access is validated against a set of access rules. You can list your access rules:

$ eai rule ls
action   expression
user:set 491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:user:3c0e93a5-4174-4487-bbaa-59138ba24833
*:get    491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2
*:get    491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:user:*
*:get    491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:team:*
*        491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:account:a5b807de-78b1-4e3b-b301-839cf0c976f3
*        491e3474-8382-4437-a68b-18414701dec2:account:a5b807de-78b1-4e3b-b301-839cf0c976f3:*

Let’s go over those.

The first rule explicitly allows the user:set action on yourself. This action correspond to updating user details:

$ eai user set --name joe

The next 3 rules are inherited from the user role attached to your organization. When your user was created, it was authorized to assume the user role for your organization. This enables you to get details about your organization, its users and its teams. This correspond to a number of commands:

$ eai organization get
$ eai user ls
$ eai team ls


Access rules are stored in policies. A policy is set of rules composed with statements that allow actions on resources, using syntax <action>[+<action>...]@<resource>[+<resource>...]. It can be attached to clients of the API i.e. users, teams and roles. For example, this explicitely gives root access to the cluster to a single user:

$ eai user policy new 3c0e93a5-4174-4487-bbaa-59138ba24833 '*@*'

Users inherit policies from:

  • policies attached to them

  • policies attached to a team they are a member of directly or indirectly

  • policies attached to a role they can assume

Thus, there is 3 ways to create policies:

$ eai user policy new
$ eai team policy new
$ eai role policy new

Note that adding policies to a user, a team or a role requires access to that resource.


While it is possible to manage access with policies attached directly to users and teams, the most common way is to use roles. If a user or a team is allowed to assume a role, it inherits the role’s policies. There are a number of roles that are predefined. Since they can be attached to organizations, teams and accounts, they can be listed using:

$ eai organization role ls
$ eai team role ls
$ eai account role ls

For example:

$ eai organization role ls --fields id,name
id                                   name
c53444c6-206e-4ae7-bab7-baacdab5a0a7 admin
e11bb1f4-b85a-4734-a5a4-f52cadd50ca6 user

To assume a role, a user or a team needs to be a member of that role. Thus, the following can be used to list members:

$ eai organization role member ls c53444c6-206e-4ae7-bab7-baacdab5a0a7
id                                   name      type
80db146b-1c79-4ed0-bb8b-db1698fddd58 jerome    user
94731f2a-aa48-443a-b013-c00ea9507d0f guillaume user
0eb96759-aef0-4acc-91a7-202cac71c472 eric      user

Simply use the add or rm commands to manager members:

$ eai organization role member rm c53444c6-206e-4ae7-bab7-baacdab5a0a7 --user 94731f2a-aa48-443a-b013-c00ea9507d0f
id                                   name      type
80db146b-1c79-4ed0-bb8b-db1698fddd58 jerome    user
0eb96759-aef0-4acc-91a7-202cac71c472 eric      user
$ eai organization role member add c53444c6-206e-4ae7-bab7-baacdab5a0a7 --user 94731f2a-aa48-443a-b013-c00ea9507d0f
id                                   name      type
80db146b-1c79-4ed0-bb8b-db1698fddd58 jerome    user
94731f2a-aa48-443a-b013-c00ea9507d0f guillaume user
0eb96759-aef0-4acc-91a7-202cac71c472 eric      user

How to Monitor a Job Resources Usage

Resources usage can be consulted in Grafana. Simply put your job id in the following URL template.<JOB-ID>

This will show the usage of the job over the last 30 minutes. To change that time window, use the top right menu option.


The only for users to view job resource usages is through Grafana. The API endpoints job_usage are poorly named and yield resource occupation instead of usage.

How to Prevent Output Buffering

By default, stdout is buffered. To change that behaviour you can use stdbuf.

eai job submit -- stdbuf -oL '{COMMAND}'

How to Pull Certain Files

See examples in eai data pull --help

eai data pull ./remote .

How to Redirect stdout and stderr to a File

The following command redirects both stdout and stderr to a single file named with the job id.

eai job submit -- bash -c '{COMMAND} > /home/{USERNAME}/${EAI_JOB_ID}.txt 2>&1'

If you want to keep output from all the runs of a preemptable job, you might want to append to the same log file …

eai job submit -- bash -c '{COMMAND} >> /home/{USERNAME}/${EAI_JOB_ID}.txt 2>&1'

… or use the EAI_RUN_INDEX to have one log file per run.

eai job submit -- bash -c '{COMMAND} > /home/{USERNAME}/${EAI_JOB_ID}.${EAI_RUN_INDEX}.txt 2>&1'

How to Run a “shell” Image

# launching a job that will stick around
eai job submit -- bash -c 'while true; do sleep 60; done;'

# start an interactive pseudo terminal into it
eai job exec --last -- bash

How To Run Pycharm

When using Pycharm Professional Edition, it is possible to use a remote environment. To do so, we only need to establish an SSH connection from Toolkit to your machine.


First, let’s build a Docker image with an SSH Daemon, you will have to modify this to include any dependencies you want.

FROM continuumio/miniconda3

# TODO Here, install your dependencies for example, Pytorch and jupyter.
RUN conda install python=3.6.9
RUN conda update pip -y \
    && conda install poetry -y \
    && conda install wrapt==1.12.1 llvmlite==0.31.0 pyyaml==5.3 notebook --channel conda-forge -y \
    && conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

# SSH server related changes
# TODO exposed ports, need to fix
RUN apt update && \
    apt install -y \
        ca-certificates supervisor openssh-server bash ssh \
        curl wget vim procps htop locales nano man net-tools iputils-ping && \
    sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen && \
    locale-gen && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash toolkit && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 toolkit && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique console && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 console && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique _toolchain && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 _toolchain && \
    useradd -m -u 13011 -s /bin/bash --non-unique coder && \
    passwd -d -x 99999 coder && \
    chown -R toolkit:toolkit /run /etc/shadow /etc/profile && \
    apt autoremove --purge && apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && \
    echo ssh >> /etc/securetty && \
    rm -f /etc/legal /etc/motd
COPY --chown=13011:13011 /tk /tk
RUN chmod 0600 /tk/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
ENTRYPOINT ["/tk/bin/"]

You can build the image with:

$ export
$ docker build -t $IMAGE .
$ docker push $IMAGE

Job launching

First, edit your ~/.ssh/config and add :

Host localhost
ForwardAgent yes
Port 2222
User toolkit

We can now launch a job. We will also launch a Jupyter server in case you need it. Feel free to modify the resources according to your needs. In a file named remote-env.yml add the following:

interactive: true
  - /tk/bin/
  - /bin/bash
  - -c
  - jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8080 --no-browser --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.custom_display_url=https://${EAI_JOB_ID} --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*'

  cpu: 4
  mem: 8
  gpu: 0

Launch the job with: eai job submit -f remote-env.yml and verify that there are no errors in the logs.

Importing the environment in Pycharm

Once the job is running, we will want to create a connection between your computer and the job with: eai job port-forward --last 2222

In Pycharm for Linux, go to File/Settings/Projects/Python Environment/ Add … / SSH Interpreter. Fill the fields as follow and click Next.


Change the location of the interpreter according to your environment. For example, Conda is at /opt/conda/bin/python.

Click Finish.

You’re all set! We can now run a script from Pycharm that will run in the job.

import os

print("Working dir: ", os.getcwd())
# We can import pytorch now!
import torch

print('Torch random', torch.ones([1, 3, 3]).shape)
print("Torch lib location", torch.__file__)

Running this script will output:

ssh://toolkit@localhost:2222/opt/conda/bin/python -u /tmp/pycharm_project_480/
Working dir:  /tmp/pycharm_project_480
Torch random torch.Size([1, 3, 3])

You can also set breakpoints and inspect variables.

On the right panel, you should see files getting synced:


How To Run VisualStudio Code

The following commands are performed by the acme.joe user.

First, let’s create a data to hold vscode settings:

$ eai data new vscode

Then, assuming you want to edit code that lives in acme.job.sample data, simply submit a job with the following:

$ eai job submit --image codercom/code-server:v2 \
    --data acme.joe.vscode:/home/coder/.local/share/code-server \
    --data acme.job.sample:/home/coder/project \
    code-server -- --host --auth none
id                                   state   name created              command                                  runs.exitCode
5c5bce9b-4657-4836-89d9-01ec780f57db QUEUING      2019-12-06T20:49:41Z [code-server --host --auth none] -
$ eai job logs -f
info  Server listening on
info    - No authentication
info    - Not serving HTTPS

Once running, use the job ID to connect yourself to the web interface using your browser. For example:

How To Share

Sharing access to a resource means giving access to it. Here is 2 ways:

Share by Account

Start by creating one:

$ eai account new acme.joe.submarine

Then, allow users or teams to access this new account using the predefined roles. For example, add to the user role:

$ eai account role member ls acme.joe.submarine.user
$ eai account role member add acme.joe.submarine.user --user acme.alice
$ eai account role member add acme.job.submarine.user --team acme.cocos
$ eai account role member ls acme.joe.submarine.user --fields name,type
name  type
alice user
cocos team

Or add to the admin role:

$ eai account role member add acme.job.submarine.admin --user acme.bob

Share by Team


This method is discouraged. It requires Toolkit admins to be involved and you will not be fully autonomous on what you can do with it.

Every team has a dedicated account. If 2 users are part of the same team, they can access the team’s account and resources. For example:

$ eai team new acme.cocos
$ eai account set $(eai team get acme.cocos --field account) --name cocos
$ eai team member add acme.cocos --user acme.alice
$ eai team member add acme.cocos --user acme.bob

Team members can now access resources created under the acme.cocos account. For example:

$ eai data new acme.cocos.images
$ eai job submit --data acme.images --account acme.cocos

How To Share Data With Other Users

Create Role

Let’s create a new role, named shared_my_data, where we will add policy for our data and where we will add member

Pattern : eai role new ORG.ACCOUNT.ROLE_NAME
eai role new acme.account.shared_my_data

id                                   name               organization    parent
a7202d30-4b45-479f-8b43-67cfe6214e11 shared_my_data     acme            acme.account

Create Policy

Right now, we have to create an associated policy. But before that, we need to get the URN of the ressource we want to share.

eai data get --field urn


A policy is an action on a resource (URN)

Here is the pattern of policy creation : eai role policy new ROLE_ID ‘action@resource

In our example, we want to give full access to our data, so the action will be : data:* and the resource the previous URN we get.

Pattern : eai role policy ROLE_ID `action@URN`
with :
    ROLE_ID : the id returned by eai role new
    action : data:*
    URN : URN of the data we want to shared

eai role policy new a7202d30-4b45-479f-8b43-67cfe6214e11  'data:*@c48901c7-3e5b-4c93-9459-5f311a28da4f:account:94635070-4df5-4566-add7-509297ae2fc1:data:bb181e24-66e9-4546-98fb-d8cfade178bc'

Add member

Before adding a member to that role, we need to get the user ID of the user we want to add. You can find the user by typing the command :

eai user ls

Once you have the user id, you can add it as a member of that role.

Here is the expected pattern : eai role member add ROLE_ID –user USER_ID

eai role member add a7202d30-4b45-479f-8b43-67cfe6214e11 --user 60e9ca7a-4808-50de-b612-3e0fe92db027

How to tell who has specific rights over a resource?

eai rule who-is-allowed <action>@<resource urn>

Who can write to a specific data object:

eai rule who-is-allowed "data:set@$(eai data get <data id> --field urn)"

How to tell if you have specific rights over a resource?

eai rule allowed <action>@<resource urn>

Whether you can write to a specific data object:

eai rule allowed "data:set@$(eai data get <data id> --field urn)"